Paper: Attendance distorts standardized test scores by Solomon Hsiang

Felipe Gonzalez has a new working paper Distorted Quality Signals in School Markets, demonstrating that schools in Chile increase their ranking by discouraging low performing students from showing up to class on days when standardized tests are administered. This is important because standardized tests scores determine how competitive schools are ranked and how resources are allocated across schools.

How far has policy research come in 3000 years? by Solomon Hsiang

At the Asian Art Museum of SF, a display of oracle bones provides perspective on how far we've come in terms of using science to improve policy decisions. These bones (circa 1100 BCE) were designed to discover information about potential future outcomes by eliciting answers from deceased ancestors. 

The center bone aims to determine whether war with a neighboring group is wise. 

Publication: Conflict in a changing climate by GlobalPolicyLab Member

Tamma and Sol, along with co-author Marshall Burke at Stanford, published a review of the climate and violence literature in a Special Topics issue of the European Physical Journal.

The review focuses on how to use empirical evidence from historical climate-conflict relationships to make projections about the future. We present new evidence suggesting that income mitigates the impact of temperature on crime and conflict, implying that future projections may be improved by incorporating income-based adaptation. Check out a more detailed blog post about the publication on the blog G-FEED here

Video: Empirical climate damages at the National Academy of Science by Solomon Hsiang

Michael Greenstone recently presented new results from the Climate Impact Lab at the National Academy of Sciences. This work (and the talk) follow logically from Sol's talk to the same NAS group back in November. The work Michael presented represented a major team effort that included [amazing] contributions by Tamma CarletonJames Rising, and Megan Landin here at GPL.